Think Tank or Learning Journey
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Think Tank or Learning Journey

Create the time for your people to step back, allow them to envision what’s next and how to get there. 

Get the best out of your people by giving them the opportunity to move beyond the urgency of now, to engage with their peers and deliver strategic recommendations

Case study:
Design a ‘Learning Journey’ to upskill senior project managers for a Global Financial Company


year engagement

Our Client’s Needs:

Design an in-house training programme with focus on personal development, soft skills and different ways of working to strengthen senior project managers in their career path and work towards a dynamic peer-to-peer community.


Co-design the ‘learning journey’ with the internal team:
– identify and select the right format and the right topics, 
– maximise active learning, dynamic interaction and peer-to-peer relationship building

Our Role:
Share our expertise on organisational complexity, system thinking, facilitation skills and collaborative methods. 

Coach and accompany the internal facilitation team during the ramp-up phase.